
Faux fur

November 29, 2010

A year ago I could hardly imagine to wear fur (faux fur even as I'm a vegetarian), but since then and since i started the blog I tried to challenge myself more often and to experiment and try combinations that before I wouldn't. So this faux fur collar was a true find, for a price lower than a price of a piece of cake and a cup of coffee, it will give me more than comfort and grandeur in the cold winter days. Just can't help myslef thinking that I'm looking as a Russian baronessa:)


Outfit: dress Stradivarius, belt Mango, cardigan vintage, faux fur collar unknown. boots Bata.
Inspiration: Eniko Mihalik in September’s Harper’s Bazaar US, lensed by Glen Luchford; Eniko Mihalik in Vogue Nippon November, photographed by Raymond Meier; We are the world - Vogue US September editorial shot by the one and only Steven Meisel (www.fashiongonerogue.com).

Преди година не можех да си представя, че ще нося кожа с косъм (изкуствена дори, тъй като съм вегетарианка), но откакто стартирах блога се опитвам да се предизвиквам по-често и да експериментирам и опитвам комбинации, за които преди не би ми и хрумнало. Тази яка от изкуствена кожа е истинска находка на цена, по-ниска от парче торта с кафе, тя със сигурност ще ми даде повече комфорт и топлина през студените зимни дни. Но не мога да спра да си мисля, че изглеждам като руска баронеса :)

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13 коментара

  1. just discovered your blog i loveeeeeeeeeeeee it

  2. I like the styling detail: chunky belt on top of the fur gillet. later, FashionLifeCoach

  3. I usually have some reservations for faux fur, but this great treasure you found definitely suits you a lot. I am looking for more outfits with it.

  4. I'm impressed by the way you are wearing it!
    Много ти отива!

  5. Absolutely gorgeous, darling!
    Love the editorial inspiration and your look!
    That collar is such a fab find!


  6. its impossible to go wrong with the folk look love it

  7. I had always thought like you, I was also vegetarian some years ago (not anymore), and just didnt feel attracted by faux furs. anyway, these days I'm loving every single item and loving every elegant outfit I see with faur fur stuff


  8. I am not that big on fur, but I like the belt.


  9. nice one! i am definitely buying one in the sale. these days faux fur looks really good (not the super cheap one) so no way real fur is an option anymore!

    <a href="http://londonviennacologne.blogspot.com!>londonviennacologne.blogspot.com</a>

  10. love all the faux fur and you look really lovely too, love your outfit!


  11. love faux fur!!!


  12. Прекрасен аутфит.Поздравления!


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