
The duffle coat

April 18, 2011

These last days of cold weather are really playing a random game with my moods and inspirations. Two days till Springish weather is coming, I'm inspired from Fall and Prefall looks - checks, duffle coats, and combination of dark and rich colors. My last buy from winter sales - this checked duffle coat turned to be my favorite these days - it has everything that I need and is just the perfect length. Presenting you my new houndstooth high heel shoes - completing thoroughly my English inspired outfit.


Outfit: duffle coat Zara, turtle neck Mango, leather shorts Stradivarius, tights with imitation of socks Golden Point, gloves Miss Sixty, shoes Nine West.

Inspiration: duffle coat - Burberry Prorsum Fall 2011; Moschino Prefall 2011 (www.style.com); tartan check - Celine Prefall 2011 (www.style.com).

Тези последни дни на лошо време тотално объркаха настроенията и вдъхновенията ми. Още два дни до хубавото време, а вече обърнах поглед към колекциите за есента и зимата(но няма как след сутрешния сняг отпреди няколко дни). Последната ми покупка от зимните намаления - това тънко вълнено палто с качулка, се оказа доста по-сполучлива отколкото предполагах. А новите ми обувки го допълниха за един по английски вдъхновен аутфит.

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11 коментара

  1. Страхотен аутфит! Поздравления!

  2. Love the pairing of the plaid to the houndstooth!

    stop by!

  3. Lovely english inspired look ! I like it a lot !


  4. Just found your blog... and I love it!!!

    if you want visit mine

  5. I love everything here especially the shoes.

  6. I totally feel ya...the transitional weather sucks but at least we've got a couple weeks left to keep those gorgeous jackets on! Especially loving the beautiful patterns and colors!

    Btw, Haute Khuuture just celebrated her 1st birthday so I'm sponsoring a HUGE giveaway, would love to see you stop by when you get the chance :D

    Happy Monday!


    Haute Khuuture Blog

  7. O still can´t find the perfect one. Maybe in winter. Besos.

  8. Обувките са страхотни :)

  9. we have warmer weather now and i'm so thankful for it! i love your OTK socks in this look, they look wonderful on you!

  10. I want those shoes!!!!




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