Midi lengths

September 07, 2010

The new season brings back the well forgotten midi lengths. Introduced by Louis Vuitton, Marc Jacobs and Prada, the midi skirts with high waists combine with knitted pullovers for a very feminine retro inspired look. These midi lengths are not among my favorites, but still I can't admit that there is something very sophisticated and chic about them.


Новият сезон бележи завръщането на добре забравените дължини под коляното. Видяни в ревютата за есента на Луи Вуитон, Марк Джейкъбс и Прада, разкроените поли с дължина под коляното и с висока талия са комбинирани с бюстиета или плетени пуловери за постигане на женствена ретро визия. Новите дължини не са сред фаворитите ми, но все пак не мога да отрека, че придават някаква изтънченост и шик.
Photos by www.fashiongonerogue.com and ww.style.com.

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3 коментара

  1. I really like those midi skirts ! I've got lots, found in my granma's attic (well, if you ask, yes, they are still in good "state"). They have this very 40s chic thing that I admire a lot !

    (I'm having a giveaway on my blog, so if you're interested, please go ahead :))

  2. Really nice sritk trend for this season!

    Thanks for stopping by and for your lovely comment


  3. i fell head over heels for that editorial with lara stone in it. (i think it was vogue but i'm not certain)
    she epitomizes the louis vuitton look
    and i'm part russian! :3


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