
Sweet Sixties

July 27, 2011

Mod inspiration is seeming to be quite influential the seasons to come. I don't know why but I recognize orange as a quite mod color and this combination with leopard print and a vinatge scarf  around the neck is making me feel like my mom in the beginning of the seventies or at least as a stewardess for Balkan airlines :)
Photobucket Outfit: skirt, pouch and shoes Zara, sunglasses and shirt H&M, scarf vintage.
Inspiration: mods - a vintage pic from the 60's; leopard & orange - Masha Novoselova for the July issue of Vogue Turkey by Ahmet Polat; Alla Kostromicheva for the summer issue of H&M Magazine, shooted by Cédric Buchet (www.fashiongonerogue.com).
Все повече ще чувате за модс и вдъхновението от 60-те през следващите месеци - определено се очертава като основен тренд, особено при налагането на новия силует, геометричните принтове и пъстрата цветова палитра. Не знам защо, но свързвам оранжевия цвят най-близко с модс (вероятно заради палтото на Burberry Prorsum от есенната колекция) и тази комбинация с леопардов принт и фишу около врата ме карат да се чувствам като майка ми в началото на седемдесетте или поне като стюардеса от Балкан през периода на разведряването :)

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10 коментара

  1. Hi!!I like your blog so much, you look really great!Wonderful inspiration!
    Come and visit my blog, and if you like it, follow me, I'll be waiting for you!


  2. You are my inspiration today! Lovely as usual ;-)

  3. amazing!! =D
    Love everything here!


  4. love the orange-leopard combo even if i get to see thousands of women trying this look..lol..it's super edgy and stylish and not to mention chic! love your blog!i'm your newest follower!please visit my site if you can and maybe (follow back?) kisses!


  5. I'm a big fan of sixties fashion too! Love your blog - especially the trend spotting posts. I'm your newest follower xx


  6. love orange!
    You're combining it great.

  7. Много хубав блог, много ми харесва стила ти!
    Следвам те и се надявам, че и ти ще го направиш!

  8. Боряна7/30/2011 10:29 AM

    :-* Липсваш миии!!

  9. I love these looks, yours and your sources of inspiration. When you think about it leopard print and orange really is the prefect combination!


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