
Tribute to Decarnin

April 09, 2011

Behind beauty, glamour, formal kindness and external decency that form the visible part of fashion, there is one, far more unattractive, but hard and real. The whole lifeshow of those involved in fashion, costs far more than we can imagine. Decarnin who not only made Balmain one of the contemporary fashion legends, but gave the momentum to the whole mass fashion concept and general public fashion awareness. He brought many people back to fashion and for me, his designs inspired me for fashion again. Respect for his work, hope will be fine.


Outfit: blazer and clutch Zara, jeans Cheap Monday, sheer shirt Indian Point, boots Benetton, rings Parfois and Bershka.

Inspiration: Decarnin for Balmain Spring 2009, Fall 2009, Fall 2010 (http://www.style.com/).

Зад целият блясък, разкош, формално благоразположение и привидно благоприличие, които оформят видимата страна на модата, има и друга, доста по-непривлекателна, нелека и осезаема. Целият спектакъл на живота на тези, които се занимават с мода струва доста повече, отколкото предполагаме. Декарнин не само превърна Балмейн в една от съвременните модни легенди, но и даде скорост на цялата идея за масовата мода и интереса на публиката към модата като цяло. Респект.

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3 коментара

  1. Gorgeous picture!!! Love your outfit! This white blazer is amazing!



  2. that jacket is so amazing!! you look great :)

  3. The fashion industry is hard and sometimes it has a dark, deep side...
    anyway yaay for the tribute! Love the jeans actually :)



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