
Favorites for Spring 3 - Stripes

February 07, 2011

After the reign of stripes and marine inspired looks the last couple of years, only few supposed that stripes will be again one of the hottest trends for 2011. But they are and their interpretation is a little bit different from what we've been used to - less nautical and much more retro.


Jil Sander, Fendi, Sonia Rykel, Jil Sander, Prada (www.style.com)


Outfit: dress Stradivarius, socks and cardigan Oysho, trench and bag Zara, belt Mango. Inspiration: Sonia Rykiel Spring 2011; striped hat and blouse by jakandjil.com, preppy monochrome outfit by Stockholm streetstyle.

След бума на райетата последните няколко години и особено на моряшките райета, малцина предполагаха, че ще бъдат хит и за пролетта и лятото на 2011 г. Но благодарение на Jil Sander, Fendi, Sonia Rykel, Prada, Haider Ackermann, Junya Watanabe райетата отново са една от основните тенденции, макар и с леко променена интерпретация от моряшкия шик към ретро вдъхновението.

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7 коментара

  1. Your moodboards are gorgeous!! Great blog :)

  2. i am already wearing striped items from my closet. of the above runway shows, the look from fendi is my favorite. it's very retro but still modern.

    Girl Meets Handbag

  3. You wear the stripes so well. I like how you've teamed it with the Trench
    strut mode

  4. Love your blog, love your style!!

    so beautifull :-)



  5. love your blog!

  6. that post is great! loove stripes too!!xx


  7. Your double use of strips is perfect! Not too overpowering at all!


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