
Snow again

January 23, 2011

Though recently the weather in Sofia reminded for Spring, the ferocious winter is back from yesterday and will stay here for at least one week. Just in time for my new comfy cardigan, so perfect for the winter.


Outfit: cardigan and turtleneck Zara, shearling denim vest Mango, skirt Calliope, tights with red dots H&M, over-the-knee boots Vera Pelle, gloves Stradivarius, knitted bag Benetton.
Inspiration: Sophie Vlaming by Milo Keller and Julien Gallico for L’Officiel (www.fashiongonerogue.com).
Въпреки че напоследък времето напомня повече за пролетта, жестоката зима се завърна и ще остане за по-дълго. Точно навреме за новата ми топла жилетка, толкова перфектна за зимни условия.

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5 коментара

  1. Пратете малко и на югоизток ;}

  2. Nice moodboard! I was inspired by the Sophie Vlaming ed a while ago as well (when we still had snow over here!) it's lovely!

    And great blog you have here! x

  3. that cardigan is lovely!

  4. Loooove your blog, really great inspirationale posts! I'm a follower, do you follow back if you like my blog :) ?



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