
Easy like Sunday morning

December 19, 2010

Sorry for the lack of regular outfit posts lately, but I've been quite busy recently and haven't had enough time for my kind of posts. I'll try to catch up the coming holiday week, hope there's more inspiration to enlighten me as winter is not my favorite time of the year. This is one of my fav outfits recently, love the combination between the cape and the shorts, their warm caramel color and the smooth leather details.


Outfit: hat, shorts and cape Zara, striped sweater Calliope, boots Vera Pelle.
Inspiration: Chloe Fall 2009 (www.style.com); Jessica Stam for January issue of Vogue China, lensed by Ellen von Unwerth (www.fashiongonerogue.com).

Извинявам се за липсата на редовни постове, но напоследък имам доста работа и малко вдъхновение за споделяне. Надявам се тази седмица да наваксам и повече вдъхновение да ме сполети през този не дотам любим сезон за мен. Това е един от любимите ми аутфити напоследък, особено ми допада комбинацията между пелерината и шортите, техният топъл карамелов цвят и гладките кожени детайли.

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5 коментара

  1. AND I especially like the way this stylish trilogy "Milady-esque" cape / high-knee boots / trendy shorts Here tend to define such a (very well worn) idea of "wintry Sensuality" Dear !!!
    ps: Mmh ("shy voice") actually I would love to make you a request about my (stilettostetico-esque) "BOMBnextDoor's Vertigo" BUT unfortunately I don't have your mail adress; so just in case mine is stiletto.canossa@club-internet.fr

    à Bientôt, Antoine

  2. Добре направи, че си взе това пончо. За мен то е твоята дреха. ;)

  3. this is great inspiration, i am loving all the camel looks - you interpreted it so well x



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