
On the shoulder

October 18, 2010

One of my favorite collections the last couple of years is Celine Prefall 2010, which introduced at its best on-the-shoulder wearing of blazers and jackets. It reminds of capes and is so effortless and chic that couldn't be resisted (see the link from Stockholm streetstyle).


Outfit: skinny jeans and turtleneckk Zara, blazer Mango, shoes Bata, purse Parfois.
Inspiration: Burberry Prorsum Fall 2010 (www.style.com); Frida Gustavson in military jacket (www.fashionising.com); various inspiration "on the shoulder" - http://carolinesmode.com/stockholmstreetstyle/art/190099/on_the_shoulder/, for more see Celine Prefall 2010)

Една от любимите ми колекции последните години е Celine Prefall 2010, която наред с всичко останало показа в най-добра светлина и носенето на рамо на сака и якета. Напомняйки на пелерините, дори с по-голяма степен на небрежност и шик, този тренд е обикнат от мнозина (вж. линка)

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12 коментара

  1. love that jacket!! amazing!

  2. What a pleasant surprise to see you in jeans! You should wear them more often as they really suit you. For the picture, another great look.

  3. This military coat is still my favorite styling outerwear.Thumb up. see you around, FashionLifeCoach

  4. Gorgeous look, darling!
    Love that jacket!


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    ♥ Elle

  6. That jacket is amazing! LOVE IT!

  7. Love your outfit! I'm a big fan of military jackets!

  8. gorgeous coat! love the way you put everything together. :) great blog you have!

  9. Loving that military jacket!! You look pretty on it!

    Thanks for stopping by and for your lovely comment


  10. Love that Look ! great combination.

    LookSpotter.com Street Style Fashion


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