
Collar scarf

October 18, 2010

Scarves are one of my favorite accessories for cold days. Once I really hated them until I got so ill that I could't recover for months. Now they are my best warm cosy friend, especially collar scarves, which can be perfect finishing detail of chunky knits or boyfriend blazers.


Outfit: pleated skirt and flower top Bershka, shoes Zara, socks Omsa, pullover vintage, collar scarves - orange one FCUK, grey one Oysho, sunglasses Mango, brooches and rings Parfois.
Inspiration: Loewe and Sportmax Fall 2010 (http://www.style.com/, http://www.sportmax.com/).
Шаловете са един от любимите ми аксесоари през студените дни. Някога наистина не ми бяха фаворит, докато не се разболях толкова лошо, че месеци наред не успях да се възстановя. Повечето навици от този период съм загърбила, но шаловете са ми неизменен спътник оттогава. Топъл, уютен завършващ детайл, както на груби плетива, така и на по-формални комбинации.

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9 коментара

  1. Great ensemble. I like those chunky knitted scarves, in particular the still on-trend xxl-tube scarf. later, FashionLifeCoach

  2. love your cardigan!

    i just bumped into your blog...and i'm loving it!


  3. This look is not only an all-time favorite one, but a real inspiration. The knits, the flower print, the pleats-love it all.

  4. like your look! i'm a big fan of scarves myself!

  5. Страхотна!!

  6. love love love love the scarf!!!

  7. love the thickness and the warmth of this look xxx http://whatwouldkarldo.com


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