
Familiar feelings

March 16, 2010

This morning started quite early as I woke up with that familiar emotion of a big shopping day. The first one in my own town, which was quite strange. The morning was wonderful - the sky so bright and clear, the air so fresh, that you can never mistake that spring is coming.

mall day

Outfit: scarf FCUK, shirt Zara, belt Mango, skirt Bershka, dotted tights H&M, over-the-knee boots Stradivarius.

Тази сутрин започна доста рано, събуждайки се с познатата емоция на предстоящ пазарен ден. Първата такава в собствения ми град, което бе доста странно. Утрото бе чудесно - небето толково ясно и чисто, въздухът толкова свеж, че никога не можеш да сбъркаш идването на пролетта.

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1 коментара

  1. Gorgeous, darling!
    Love your belt!
    And I am so glad that spring is coming too :)



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