Favorites - ESME Spring 2016, YVAILO
September 11, 2015
"There, amid the endless scorching fields of Andalusia laid her next victim - a young innocent reaper boy. The pursuit was over; the hunt complete. The powerful growling had given way to a contented purr. His rough, sun-kissed skin was carrying the still fresh traces of her nails, sharp as those of a wild cat. They were more than a few new scars. They were her markings. The blood in his veins was throbbing wildly intoxicated by her affectionate caresses. For the unsuspecting boy that was love. For her – the experienced seductress – satisfying her thirst as a predator for prey. ESME smoothly covered her glossy hair, threw on her gypsy scarf and, invisible as a cougar - as she was called in the neighbouring villages - vanished into the high fields. She had already taken what she needed. The naïve reaper left lying, imprinted for life."
Повече за магията на колекцията, директно от Ивайло Серафимов може да прочетете тук.
Повече за магията на колекцията, директно от Ивайло Серафимов може да прочетете тук.

Creative direction: Yvailo Serafimov/Goce Mitrevski; photography: Georgi Andinov; hair: Georgi Petkov; make-up: Alina Manova; model: Iveta Dimitrova @ Ivet Fashion Model Agency
Images: yvailo.com
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