
How to wear...a varsity jacket (2)?

May 19, 2011

Preppy - inspiration: college uniforms; accents - socks, pleats, high waist; when to wear? - while the first combination is perfect for daily activity, this one is definitely for the evening, as the pointy shoes are not quite relevant or comfortable during the day.


Outfit: varsity jacket, socks and shoes H&M, pleated dress Asos, ring Parfois, belt Mango.

Inspiration: varsity - Katie Fogarty for the April issue of Elle Russia, captured by Tesh colorful socks - Merethe Hopland and Monika Sawicka for the May issue of Interview,photographed by Gregory Harris (www.fashiongonerogue.com).

Колежански - вдъхновение: колежанските униформи; акценти - къси чорапи, плисета, висока талия; кога да го носим? за разлика от вчерашната комбинация, която е перфектна за ежедневните ни дейности, тази е определено подходяща за вечерта, предвид острите обувки на ток, които нито са релевантни, нито удобни за натоварения делник.

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4 коментара

  1. Тази комбинация повече ми харесва! ;-)

  2. great inspiration collage!! thanks for sharing!

  3. I like this a lot. Varsity jackets are so cute when paired with girlier items.



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