
Fall street inspiration

November 15, 2010

Some streetstyle inspiration for the fall - beautiful and unexpected color combinations, brave play with lengths and volumes, artistic accessories.


Напоследък се наслаждавам на красивите есенни комбинации в чуждите сайтове за улична мода - неочаквано миксиране на карамелови, оранжеви и розови нюанси, смела игра с дължини и обеми, артиситични аксесоари.

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3 коментара

  1. these styles are so much fun. I'm in love with thigh high socks this season :D

  2. i adore all of these looks! The thigh high socks are definitely my favorite, i need to buy a pair!


  3. Love this collage!
    really nice looks!


Every comment is a reflection of my inspiration and I'm appreciating it!