
Yes or No? - Chanel Spring 2011

October 05, 2010


Chanel show has risen a lot of controversy - great cast of models, but the collection? Inspirational or not? Lagerfeld presented a weird mix of different fabrics, lengths and volumes, united by the unfinished feel. Still the spirit of the collection was young and rebellious with leather, platforms, hot pants and smoky eyes.


Ревюто на Chanel породи доста противоречиви мнения - отличен кастинг на модели, но колекцията? Вдъхновяваща или не? Лагерфелд представи странен микс от различни материи, дължини и обеми, обединени от чувството на недовършеност. Все пак духа на колекцията бе младежки и бунтарски с кожа, платформи, къси панталонки и опушени очи. Photos by www.style.com.

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7 коментара

  1. I say YES, because it's unexpected, unusual and at the same time very wearable. In my opinion, WELL DONE!

  2. Yes from me too but not for the shoes-they are horrible.


  3. Well I think he stepped away from the aesthetic of the LABEL Chanel but all in all, it's still a good collection.

  4. I like the collection as well, because it has an updated and youger approach. later, FashionLifeCoach

  5. Yes Please :-)


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