
Not a cool collection - Lanvin Spring 2011

October 02, 2010

I deeply admire the work of Alber Elbaz for Lanvin, for me this is one of the most inspirational, beautiful, edgy still feminine collections for the coming spring. Every single piece is a work of art, a play with materials, proportions and volumes. The shoes are amazing, surely in my Top 10. Elbaz said that he's "not a cool designer, and Lanvin is not a cool brand" - yes, they are far more than cool.


Дълбоко се възхищавам на работата на Албер Елбаз за Lanvin, за мен това е една от най-вдъхновяващите, красиви, женствени колекции за следващата пролет. Всеки тоалет е произведение на изкуството, фина игра с материи, пропорции и обеми. А обувките...обувките са невероятни.


Photos by www.style.com.

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2 коментара

  1. I love Lanvin's red dress! It really pops

  2. Love this simple and elegant collection.The shoes are fabulous.



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