
Maxi sheers

October 05, 2010

First it was Abbey Lee that introduced the maxi sheer skirt on the streets, combining it in her unique and effortless sexy way that you can't miss. Now after some shows in Paris this microtrend is gaining shape and meaning (see Givenchy, YSL, Chloe).


Първо Аби Лий въведе дългата прозрачна пола/рокля по улиците, комбинирайки я по нейния уникален небрежно секси начин, който просто не можеш да пропуснеш. Сега след няколко колекции от Париж, тази микро тенденция придобива форма и смисъл.(вж. Givenchy, YSL, Chloe).
Photos by www.style.com, www.fashionising.com.

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2 коментара

  1. i think im incredibly obsessed with sheer. all of these are gorgeous.

  2. I have to admit I'm not the hugest fan of sheer, but I really am digging the sheer skirt here. It adds this bohemian grunge feel, but in a chic manner. I love it!



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