
Catwalk inspiration 1 - Gucci

September 27, 2010

The fashion weeks are a major inspiration for me and could not resist to interpret some of the looks that impressed me. Starting with a color block combination inspired by Gucci, which delivered one of the most coveted collections during the Milan fashion week. My personal favorite were the ansambles at the beginning of the show - vibrant tropical color palette, shiny accessories and golden tassels.


Outfit: blazer Bershka, skirt, belt, bag and shirt Zara, sunglasses Mango, shoes H&M. Inspiration: Gucci Spring 2011 (www.style.com)

Седмиците на модата са едно от главните ми вдъхновения и не можах да устоя на изкушението да интерпретирам някои от най-вълнуващите колекции. Започвам с колор блок комбинация, вдъхновена от Гучи, които представиха една от най-желаните колекции по време на седмицата на модата в Милано. Моят личен фаворит са ансамблите в началото - ярки комбинации на тропически цветове, блестящи аксесоари и златни пискюли.

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7 коментара

  1. Love your blog :) very tasteful and very chique!

  2. Lovely combination! Gorgeous as always!

  3. ♥ Gucci
    & Omg that blazer is sooo nice and the golden clutch !!!♥

  4. Lovely play with the silhouette and color palette. Looks fresh and new. later, FashionLifeCoach

  5. love itttt!!!folllowing u from sapin xoxo


Every comment is a reflection of my inspiration and I'm appreciating it!