
Favorites - Terracota

July 19, 2010

My new favorite color - mild and nude, but exotic and fresh; perfect matching with brown hues and unexpected touch in color block combinations. And of course - the almighty terracota Celine leather jacket and its H&M interpretation for the coming fall - simply adorable!


Marni, Chanel Resort 2011 (www.style.com), the original Celine jacket, Karlie Kloss by Raymond Meier for August issue of Vogue US (www.fashiongonerogue.com), Andy from Stylescrapbook with gorgeous H&M jacket (fall 2010) and Zara shoes.

Новият ми любим цвят - мек и неутрален, но екзотичен и свеж; перфектно съчетание за кафявите нюанси и неочакван при color block комбинациите. И разбира се - вездесъщото кожено яке на Celine в цвят теракота и неговата интерпретация от H&M за есента на 2010 г. - достойни за възхищение и копнеж!

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4 коментара

  1. i love nude! i just purchased a nude bag :)

    Anna Katrina

  2. Ех,това яке откога го чакам,наистина страхотен цвят.:)

  3. Yes, yes, this color is huge!!! I am crazy over it and the best part is that it can be combined with all the khaki and military shades for Fall... Oh and I am dreaming about that H&M jacket :)

  4. Yes, probably it will be the best selling H&M item ever :) How I wish it could be mine!


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